It was just a few months ago when a price of crude was $77 per barrel and people were going nuts. County's were making political moves like dropping the gas tax after $2.00 so people would feel good about saving money. Big oil,
wholesalers and gas station owners and their record breaking billion dollar profits were saying that they have no control over the price of gas...If the price of crude goes up, the pump price goes up immediately to cover cost of the increase..
Now we jump forward to today when
MSNBC is reporting that price of crude is at $51 a barrel. The last time a barrel of crude was at $51, gas was around $2.00 a gallon...yet according to
AlbanyGasPrices.Com the lowest price per gallon is $2.24. Amazingly nobody is bitching, the public, politicians, the press...nobody. But Why???
It's simple, Big oil knew this would happen...They knew if gas prices went up to $3.00, when it
stabilized at $2.25, people would be use to paying high prices so they would keep it at $2.25. Big Oil would make tons of money if the price dropped at the same proportion as the price per barrel. But they don't because people now think gas is cheap at $2.25. Yes, it may go down below $ may even go below $2.00...but it won't go as low as it should. It won't because we need it and the oil industry knows we need it.
We all know why
Dubya...they are paid off by big oil and as long as people aren't bitching, they aren't going to do a thing.
And the oil industry will try to play poor...Oh, the retailers only make 13 cents a's not the retailers fault. And the wholesalers blame the fact that refineries were taken off it's not their fault...And finally big oil says it's the market that is making prices go up.
Lets face it...I've known a
handful of people in my lifetime that were or are in the oil/gas industries and guess what...they are all living very
comfortable....And that's fine!!! But don't sit there and cry poor!! This industry has been
sticking it to us for over 50 years, and we just take it. The entire industry from Big Oil to the retailers all talk to each other and plan how they can make the most $$$ from us.
So what do we do?? Well we start by asking the hard questions and demanding answers. We need to hold
Dubya and the rest of the clowns, I mean politicians accountable...Remember, they work for us. We need to insist that instead of spending $359,000,000,000 on a useless war in Iraq, we should be devoting
billions to alternative fuel R&D. We need to insist on campaign finance reform to make it
illegal to take bribes from Big Oil. We need break up the
monopoly in the oil industry...Stop the colusion.
Finally, we need to
wake up...We need to start caring
Labels: News, Politics