Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Definition of Indecency Please

According to ABC News, "the Senate voted unanimously late Thursday night, without fanfare, to raise the fines the FCC can levy against broadcasters by a factor of 10".

Am I the only one that is scared by this law? This law is basically saying that I cannot make the decision myself as to what is indecent so the government is going to make it for me. Even if I don't think something is indecent, the government is saying (with this law), you are wrong the show is indecent and you shouldn't watch AND, they don't define what is indecency is so broadcasters have no idea what they can or cannot get fined for...A typical bureaucratic move. Yes, there has always been indecency laws in this country, but with this law, they are resticting more of what we can watch and hear by increasing fines.

Now you all know I have a daughter and when she gets older I don't want her watching shows with sex or violence. But I do understand that it is my responsibility to know what she is watching and to utilize tools, like the V-Chip to filter shows when I may not be in this room. But I don't need the government to be a big brother and tell me what is good and bad. Let broadcaster police themselves.

It's amazing that some of the same people in congress/senate that support this law, also voted to repeal the Brady Law. Yep, it seams indecency is more dangerous to children then guns. I didn't know Janet Jackson's boobs killed more kids then guns. I can now got to Wallmart and buy a gun, but I won't be able to watch indecent program (whatever that is) on TV.

Yep, we have all these serious issues in our country such as: The bird flu, the Iraq war, Social Security, Health Care, Education, Gang Wars and Drug abuse, etc, etc; And over the last week the clowns in the senate have decided to work on more "important" issues such as Gay marriage, Flag Burning and Indecency. Apparently they are worried more about taking our rights away then solving the real problems of our country.

Incedently, The Indecency legislation was sponsored by Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan. If you don't know much about Sammy, you should read a article in Rolling Stone Magazine....Wow, talk about scary!!!!


At 6/12/2006 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yahoo! I raised a LIBERAL!


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