Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today, The NRA Wins Big

"Any gun in the hands of a good person is no threat to anybody, except bad people"
Charlton Heston (Date Unknown)

I hear these words time and time again from the late Charlton Heston and I just shake my head. Apparently the Supreme Court agrees with him.

It's amazing, people in this country (and the Supreme Court) feel it's your right to be able to go into Wallmart and buy a gun with no background check, no questions asked. But if you ask these same people that you want to buy 100 acres of land next to there land and build, say a 20 story office complex for the hell of it. No one would work there, but you want to build it because you have lots of money to waste....Well they would say no, you don't have a right to do that. You would then have to go through an enormous amount of red tape (environmental impact statements, zoning board meeting, public hearings) waste tons of money and time. You would have to provide financial statements, who knows, you would probably have to show info about your Mother's grandmother. And then if enough people in the town decided they didn't want you to build a office complex on your property and the land wasn't zoned commercial, you would not be able to build the building. You wouldn't even be able to build a deck off your house if you didn't follow certain guidelines by the planning board.

But don't worry, you can still go out and buy your guns with no govt. oversight at all. Yes, only in America is it easier to buy a weapon then it is to build a structure. Last I knew, structures don't hurt you.

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At 6/29/2008 5:54 AM, Blogger Meryl said...

What is the Supreme Court thinking?? The lawsuits against handgun bans in other cities are already starting to pour in. Having watched one person die of a gunshot wound on the streets of Chicago, it's frightening to think of how many more people will be victims of lethal violence because of this decision. Easier than ever now to get hold of increasingly deadly weapons. The NRA has blood on its hands.


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