Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gun Toutin Teachers

I've had many people tell me in recent years that it is the our Constitutional Right to bare arms. People have even told me I'm UN-American to even consider gun laws that limits use. I wonder what these same people feel about this story.

According to the Houston Chronicle, "A tiny Texas school district may be the first in the nation to allow teachers and staff to pack guns for protection when classes begin later this month".

Can you imagine if this happen in a town like Colonie or Niskayuna? What is very puzzling about this thought is that people would be in a hugh uproar. The press would be going nuts, people (some who even have guns) would be protesting. Pandamonimum at school board meeting. It would make Spitzer's love fest look like a boring Hallmark Movie.

And then there would be me who would wonder why people are bitching...Isn't the right to bare arms protected by the constitution, so why should it stop with teachers?



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