Sunday, October 29, 2006

St. Louis Dominates

Last week I predicted that Detroit had it all to beat St. Louis in the 2006 World Series. Well, I guess I was wrong big time. Not, only did Detroit lose, but St. Louis beat them in the dominating style that I thought Detroit would be in. I guess those 6 days off really hurt them because they looked rusty. The big guns bats were dead and their pitchers forgot how to throw simple tosses to 1st or 3rd base.

Anyway, as a baseball fan I thought the Series was fairly captivating, although as I said many time before, MLB needs to start these games at 7:30 and have weekend day game. These 8:30 starts are rough. I thought it was really amusing when Fox brought out "scooter" at 9:30 to show the kids different types of pitches. Don't they realize that most kids have been asleep for at least a hour? I guess as long as Bud is in charge, things will never change.

Incidently, they are saying this was the lowest raiting world series ever.


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