Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bush blames Clinton...Again

I know it's starting to sound like a broken record, but it appears Dubya is at it again. Yes, he has once again blamed Clinton on a problem that he failed to address 4 years ago...North Korea. According to the Washington Post, Bush stated at a news conference on Wednesday ""In order to solve this diplomatic, the United States and our partners must have a strong diplomatic hand," Bush also said at a news conference. "And you have a better diplomatic hand with others, sending the message, than you do when you're alone." In other words, Clinton's one on one agreement with N. Korea in 1994 didn't work and you need to get other nations involved when you have presents a stronger image. Although he was careful not to use Clinton's name, trust me, he was blaming Clinton. Now why do you need the whole world when dealing with North Korea, but when the whole world is against you for invading Iraq, you thumb your nose at them?

It's comical that Dubya continues to blame Clinton for his problems (right before the upcoming mid-term elections). Dubya knows he messed everything up so he's trying to pass blame onto a president that left office 6 years ago and hope that people fall for his garbage and vote Republican. I see it also as like a child getting caught in the school yard and blaming another's not my fault, it was Billy's fault....waaaaa. Trust me, the teacher knows who fault it is...we are not stupid.

Just in case you are keeping score, here is what Dubya has blamed on Clinton/Democrats so far (feel free to add to the list).

  1. 9/11 - Clinton should have taken steps to prevent it.
  2. Bin-Ladden - Clinton should have done a better job to search and destroy him (Although when he did do this during the all important impeachment trials, Republicans accused him of "wagging the dog".
  3. Foley - It's all the democrats fault. Their soul purpose for bringing it up is for political reasons. According to top republican brass, it's a travesty that the democrats are bring this up when there are more serious issues like the war. It sounds like the Monica/Clinton saga all over again except this time it involves a pedophile . Fox News tries to convince the base that Folley is really a Democrat...Fair and Balanced my butt
  4. North Korea


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