Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Sad Day for Science

Today I consider one of the top 10 saddest days in America since George W. Bush took office in January 2001. Today, as promised, Dubya vetoed legislation that would allow federally funded stem research. This bill was passed and had bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House, but they failed to get enough support to override his veto. I will say after seeing my Grandfather and my wife's Granmother both die of Alzheimer's, watched a good buddy of mine die of leukemia and listen to my wife, Chris, describe her Mother's unsuccessfully battle against leukemia, in my eyes Stem Cell research is a "no brainier". We need federally funded stem cell research.

President Bush is going to try to tell you that we can't cross this moral boundary... or that Human beings are not a raw material to be exploited, or a commodity to be bought or sold (

But that wasn't the case with this legislation. This legislation was going to allow stem cell research on embryos that were left over from invitro fertilization and would be destroyed anyways. Instead of being destroyed they would be used by scientist to help fine cures for devastating diseases such as Alzheimer's, leukemia, Parkinsons and spinal cord injuries. Today Mr. Bush took away one of the most advance tools Scientist may ever have in their fight to cure diseases. In my eyes, he basically told the scientist that he can build a house, but he can't use any power tools and must only use hand tools.

According to MSNBC, Mr Bush vetoed the bill and "tried to put a face on his position, too. Eighteen families who had adopted unused frozen embryos were in the East Room as Bush made his case in a 15-minute speech that came 40 minutes after the veto. On stage behind the president and in the audience were two dozen children, squirming in their Sunday best, born from those leftover embryos". I wonder why he didn't invite any 5 year olds who are fighting the battle of their lives against leukemia? Does he care that with Stem Cell Research, Scientist may be able to help these breathing human beings? Why didn't he invite the parents of children with leukemia? Can you imagine how those parents feel today when their child asks when will the pain will go away? Can you feel the parent's fustrations and pain knowing that scientist could be close to a cure with Stem Cell research, but the president has decided that their child's life is not as important as an embryo? I know I do!!!

Yes... Today, Dubya, the religious right and pharmaceutical companies won a battle, but hopefully enough people will get so mad at what he did, they will show up in November.


At 7/20/2006 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Here is why Bush's position is a joke: Thousands and thousands of embryos are destroyed every year in fertility clinics. They are created in petri dishes as part of fertility treatments like IVF; then they are discarded.

If Bush and his administration truly believe that destroying an embryo is a kind of murder, they shouldn't be wasting their time arguing about research funding: They should immediately shut down every fertility clinic in the country, arrest the doctors and staff who operate them, and charge all the wannabe parents who have been wantonly slaughtering legions of the unborn.

But of course they'll never do such a thing. (Nor, to be absolutely clear, do I think they should.) Bush could not care less about this issue except as far as it helps burnish his pro-life credentials among his "base." "



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