Friday, October 10, 2008

How do you spell Obama

Officials on both the Democrat and Republican side in Rensselaer County are saying the misspelling of Barrack Obama's name on absentee ballots was simply a typo. OK, my cynical mind is saying this is bunch of hog wash. But then, this is Rensselaer County. The County that's a half step above Scary County, I mean Schoharie County

Part of me does think this may not have been a mistake or it was a joke of bad taste that some how made it to the final draft. But the bigger question is, how the hell does a typo of this magnitude get by 3 different staff members who proof these things? Someone had to make copies of the ballot...They didn't notice? And then someone had to stuff the envelope...They didn't notice? Cummon, I know I'm a bad speller, but this is ridiculous.



At 10/10/2008 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY! I live in Rensselaer County.

Watch it, pal.


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