Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Liar Liar Liar

Gov. David Patterson is pure and simply, a liar. Lets look at what he said during his State of the State less then 2 months ago about his plan to to tackle the childhood obesity problem:

"Our five-point plan includes the Healthy Food/Healthy Communities Initiative, which offers a new revolving loan fund that will increase the number of healthy food markets in underserved communities. We must also ban trans fats in restaurants, require calorie posting in chain restaurants, ban junk food sales in schools, and place a surcharge on sugared beverages like soda."

Today, according to the Times Useless, Dave is dropping the "obesity tax" because of the expected federal stimulus cash. Wait a minute...I thought the "Obesity Tax" was going to be used to solve childhood obesity? Does this mean the problem is solved? (Anybody who knows me can probably pick up the sarcastic tone reading these questions.)

When I heard Dave 1st propose this tax during his speech, I said right away to a colleague that he is lying and is just using the childhood obesity as an excuse to raise taxes. He will tell you that part of the stimulus will be used for his 5 point plan, but rest assure not a dime will be used for it. If he was honest during his speech and said that we are putting taxes on soda in lieu raising income taxes, I could except that...I still wouldn't agree with it, but I could except his reason. But don't insult my intelligence by saying the tax dollars will be used to fight obesity. That's just a lie.



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