Saturday, January 28, 2006

20 Years Since Challenger

It was 20 years ago today the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion unfolded before our eyes. For me, it was one of the few days in my life that I was home, sick, from school. Sean was also home since the highschool was having mid-terms that week. Anyway, we were watching TV in our room when the "Special Report" came up and from then on it was non-stop coverage of this awful tragedy. To this day, I can remember Dan Rather sitting there with a model of the space shuttle talking about what could have happened with experts. The networks kept showing the explosion over and over again.

I could only hope the all the astronauts didn't suffer and died instantly, although MSNBC has a article on their web site entitled "7 myths about the Challenger shuttle disaster"that brings out the point that the astronauts may not had died until their capsule smashed into the water over a minute after the explosion.


At 1/29/2006 9:23 PM, Blogger Roon said...

I thought Challenger would be our generation's JFK -- the moment where we would always remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news.

Then came the O.J. cahse, then the Oklahoma City federal building was bombed, then Princess Diana was killed, then came 9/11 (the grand daddy of them all), then Columbia crashed...

What's that Chinese proverb about living in interesting times?


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