Saturday, March 29, 2008

Not In My Back Yard

There is only one reason why a group home for the developmentally disabled supposedly drives down property values. The reason is all too simple. People are naive and use stereotypes and come up with what seams like logical reason to cover-up the real reason. According to the Times Union, this is what happening, again, in the Town of Niskayuna.

I guess my only question to Mr. Landry is why do people with developmental disabilities deserve the treatment you are giving them? What would be your view if a close family member had a developmental disability? There is nothing wrong with group homes. If anybody who lived there were a danger to neighbors, the state wouldn't allow them to live in the home.

To me, Mr. Landry is at the same level as the people who fought for segregation. Until people like Mr. Landry get a grip and treat everybody equal, the problem of bigotry and stereotyping will continue forever.


At 3/30/2008 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great article! I am sending it to Joe Landry... I wish I could write as well as you...


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